crack mcu PIC16F1824/Flash memory extract
First of all, its high speed, low voltage, low power consumption, high current LCD
Driving ability and low-cost OTP technology reflect the new trend of SCM industry. Now pic series single chip microcomputer in the world single chip market
The market share ranking has been rising year by year, especially in the 8-bit MCU market. PIC microcontroller from the market coverage, there are a variety of models
In the world, PIC microcontroller can be seen from computer peripherals, home appliances control, telecommunications, intelligent instruments, cars
Electronic to financial electronics in various fields of wide application.
Pic12f1822 chip decryption success, we can extract binary. Bin and hexadecimal code. Hex
The chip features are as follows:
Enhanced midrange core with 49 instructions and 16 stack layers
Flash memory with read / write function
Internal 32mhz oscillator
Integrated capacitor mtouch induction module
Data signal modulator module
Mi2c, SPI, eusart with automatic baud rate
The models in the same series have been successfully cracked:
PIC12F1822 PIC12LF1822 PIC12F1840
PIC16F1823 PIC16LF1823
PIC16F1824 PIC16LF1824
PIC16F1825 PIC16LF1825
PIC16F1828 PIC16LF1828
PIC16F1829 PIC16LF1829
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