Our Solutions
We can analyze binary code of any MCU, CPLD, FPGA ,DSP:
1. Binary file disassembling.
2. Code and data analysis, structure and connections recovery.
3. Code and scheme analysis, determination of functions and device operating modes.
4. Scheme analysis, determination of data transfer and processing protocols.
Attack methods
- Non-invasive attacks (low-cost)
– observe or manipulate the device without physical harm to it
– require only moderately sophisticated equipment and knowledge to implement - Invasive attacks (expensive)
– almost unlimited capabilities to extract information from chips and
understand their functionality
– normally require expensive equipment, knowledgeable attackers and time - Semi-invasive attacks (affordable)
– semiconductor chip is depackaged but the internal structure of it - remains intact
– fill the gap between non-invasive and invasive types, being both
inexpensive and easily repeatable
Crack pic18f46k22/Memory code extract
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Crack D78F0485/unlock mcu/read memory code
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What else we can do for you?
ExceptCrack MCU / Read mcu code/Extract IC program/ic recovery/unlock mcu We can also do pcb copy/pcb clone/Schematic/ICs Part Number Identification/PCB prototype/mass production